Creativity, Funding and Research in Canada
I am puzzled. Highly skilled artisans, artists, creators and designers are perhaps among the most sophisticated researchers our society produces.
On the Topic of Culture (3)
We need to understand that the creative act is never singular in character or in action, never clearly purposive although filled with intention.
On the Topic of Culture (2)
Digital cultures are hugely democratizing because they encourage many different forms of creative output, but this does not mean that the works being produced will find a significant place in our society.
On the Topic of Culture (1)
It is always a challenge to talk about culture, but in particular to offer by way of discourse something new on a subject that is as old as civilization itself.
I am Learner (by John Connell)
Just as no one can see the colours I see, just as no one can hear the music I hear, just as no one can feel what I feel when I hold something in my hand, and just as no one can sense the world as I perceive it around me, no one can teach me.
The Future of 3D Stereoscopic Cinema
I have been thinking a lot about 3D over the last number of years not only because we…
The Radical Impossibility of Teaching
A recognition of the “impossibility” of teaching, enables and encourages the development of new and innovative approaches to pedagogy and learning.
Johan van der Keuken: an Interview with Ron Burnett
Van der Keuken had an illustrious career and was not recognized to the degree that he deserved in North America.
Indigenous Images and Stories: The Case of Eric Michaels
I will weave through a series of juxtapositions in this short essay drawn from a number of experiences which I have had in the "field" of documentary film . . .
Chevalier of Arts and Letters - Acceptance Speech - Ron Burnett
I stand here tonight feeling both proud and humbled. Proud because so much about culture and creativity is affirmed by this honour, and humbled because I have been chosen to receive this prestigious award from the French government.
Learning, Informal/Formal
An editorial in the April 2010 edition of Nature Magazine raises some important issues about student learning experiences in the sciences.
Claude Levi-Strauss
Claude Lévi-Strauss has died just a few weeks before his 101st birthday.
Can Images Think?
It is perfectly legitimate to ask the following question: How can an image think?
Tactile Images
In 1992 a major statue of one of the founders of Canadian confederation, Sir John A. Macdonald was decapitated in a local park in Montreal.
Networks of Knowledge/Networks of Learning
We are in the midst of a sea change which will affect many of the assumptions which we have about how students learn and how teachers teach.
21st Century Student
I will call him Anthony. He arrived in Vancouver with a trunk full of DVD's. He uses SMS and a variety of social networking tools to communicate with friends and family.
How Long Will it be Before All Artists have Their Own Television Channels?
This question was asked by Stoffel Debuysere…