The late filmmaker Mort Ransen helped shape Canadian cinema
Mort Ransen who recently died at the age of eighty-eight was a very important Canadian filmmaker and an extraordinary person.
Aside from a few shows, the material available from Netflix ranges from clichéd to super clichéd and this would not matter that much if they were not so dominant in the streaming era.
Not to Scale
Not to Scale: How the Small Becomes Large and the Large Becomes Unthinkable and the Unthinkable Becomes Possible by Jamer Hunt (Grand Central Publishing, New York 2020)
Reviewed by Ron Burnett
Humans and Their Machines (2)
The video and computer game industry has been developing more and more sophisticated models of interactivity to allow us to more fully explore the closeness that we have established with screen-based experiences.
Humans and their Machines (1)
“The computer is a trope, a part-for-whole-figure, for a world of actors and actants and not a Thing Acting Alone.” - Donna Haraway