Television Ron Burnett Television Ron Burnett


Aside from a few shows, the material available from Netflix ranges from clichéd to super clichéd and this would not matter that much if they were not so dominant in the streaming era.

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Research Ron Burnett Research Ron Burnett

Research Notes

In the early 2000’s, I led a design research group which was part of the New Media Innovation Centre in Vancouver. NewMic was one of those brilliant ideas that come along once in a while but are generally rare. The inventory you see below was developed in 2002.

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Technology Ron Burnett Technology Ron Burnett

Humans and Their Machines (2)

The video and computer game industry has been developing more and more sophisticated models of interactivity to allow us to more fully explore the closeness that we have established with screen-based experiences.

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Writing Ron Burnett Writing Ron Burnett


This website has been redesigned to mark and illustrate the beginning of a new era. In the past it has been a repository for articles and thoughts by Ron Burnett

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