Art Education and the Built Environment
From the beginning of 2007 until the summer of 2017…
Common Ground, a Dialogue on Curiosity and Creativity Moderated by Sharad Khare
Common ground, a dialogue on curiosity…
Nigel Lockyr and Ron Burnett Debate Science/Art/Science
Nigel Lockyr is the Director of the Fermi Lab in Chicago and the former Director of TRIUMF at the University of British Columbia. We had a debate on the relationship between the sciences and the arts at Emily Carr University recently . . .
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) has been in the news for the last two years.
The Student of Learning (3)
Over the course of the last forty years, Canada’s universities, colleges and K-12 educational systems have performed extraordinarily well.
The Student of Learning (2) Context/Communications
I have worked as a teacher and administrator for over forty years and the following reflections on context and communications are a product of my effort to understand and change the way our educational institutions think about teaching and learning.
The Student of Learning (1)
To me, the experience of learning is dependent upon the context in which it takes place.
The Craft of Quantum Learning
Learning both in the classroom and outside the classroom is generally approached in a linear fashion.
To Learn and to be Taught
In the early 1990’s, I taught a course entitled, Introduction to Film at McGill University, that had six hundred registered students in it.
On the Topic of Culture (3)
We need to understand that the creative act is never singular in character or in action, never clearly purposive although filled with intention.
On the Topic of Culture (2)
Digital cultures are hugely democratizing because they encourage many different forms of creative output, but this does not mean that the works being produced will find a significant place in our society.
On the Topic of Culture (1)
It is always a challenge to talk about culture, but in particular to offer by way of discourse something new on a subject that is as old as civilization itself.
I am Learner (by John Connell)
Just as no one can see the colours I see, just as no one can hear the music I hear, just as no one can feel what I feel when I hold something in my hand, and just as no one can sense the world as I perceive it around me, no one can teach me.
Chevalier of Arts and Letters - Acceptance Speech - Ron Burnett
I stand here tonight feeling both proud and humbled. Proud because so much about culture and creativity is affirmed by this honour, and humbled because I have been chosen to receive this prestigious award from the French government.