The Context for Learning, Education and the Arts (5)
My point here is that although computers are designed by humans, programmed by humans and then used by humans, this tells us only part of the story.
The Context for Learning, Education and the Arts (4)
So why explore the intersections of human thought and computer programming?
The Context For Learning, Education And The Arts (3)
This initial creativity was soon lost in the final version of “Understanding Media published in the 1964. In the book the medium becomes the message through the operations of an instantaneous sensory recognition of meaning.
The Context for Learning, Education and the Arts (2)
Deep Blue is emblematic of a whole class of emerging computer systems that combine ultrafast processing with analytical software.
TheContext for Learning, Education and the Arts (1)
The context for learning, education and the arts has altered dramatically over the last few years as has the cultural environment for educators and artists/creators.