Phones and the Unconscious
So....I ended up without my phone for two hours during the working day. It needed to have its battery replaced.
New Media and Interactivity
One of the central metaphors at the heart of the activities of New Media, both from the creation and audience side, is “interactivity.”
Mobile Activism in Africa
Why and how does the mobile phone play a role in activism in Africa?
My Facebook, Myself by Jessica Helfand
In a recent interview on the Today Show, Mark Zuckerberg — the young founder of Facebook . . .
Reader Responses
There have been a number of responses to my recents posts and here are some samples:
Reflections on New Media (1)
A discussion on the term "new media" may indeed seem pedantic. I should note, though, that the term has been in use at least since 1967 . . .
Reflections on New Media (2)
I am following this discussion with tremendous interest, though I think that we ought to be careful about assumptions and value judgements . . .
Reflection on New Media (3)
Jonathan Tyrell raises the question: "...if we were to study 'everyday' face-to-face conversations, would we discover less or more idle chatter?
Reflections on New Media (4)
It is just possible that the combined influences of an abundance of multimedia input to the very young - impacts their ability to more fully develop effective interpersonal communication skills.
Reflection on New media (6)
The panel I chaired at the the Vancouver International Digital Festival was very interesting.
Reflections on New Media (7)
The Vancouver International Digital Festival brought practitioners/creators, programmers, engineers, artists, designers, and many other categories of people together around a common interest in New Media.
Reflections on New Media (9)
This is the second part of my presentation at the [Refresh Conference in New Media]( at the Banff Centre