New Media and Interactivity
One of the central metaphors at the heart of the activities of New Media, both from the creation and audience side, is “interactivity.”
Are Social Media Social? (1)
I have been thinking a great deal about social media these days not only because of their importance, but also because of their ubiquity.
Are Social Media Social? (2)
Like I said at the end of the article, I am not trying to be negative.
Are Social Media Social? (3)
Some non-profits are using Social Media for real results. They are raising the profiles of their charities as well as increasing the brand awareness of their work.
Are Social Media Social? (5)
In the 1930’s radio was a crucial part of European and North American culture.
Are Social Media Social? (7)
The Ties that Bind……the appearance of portable video in the late 1960's and early 1970's led to a variety of claims about the potential for community media.
Are Social Media Social? (9)
The ties that bind connect people, families and communities but those ties remain limited and small in number however richly endowed they may appear to be within the context of discussions about social media.